Programs and Applications Reviews

Best Code Review Tools

Discover the top code review tools that can enhance your development process. From automated testing to collaborative features, these tools offer a comprehensive solution for ensuring code quality and fostering teamwork. Find out which ones are considered the best in the industry.

When it comes to improving code quality and collaboration, best code review tools play a crucial role. These tools enable developers to identify and rectify errors, ensuring the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the codebase. With a wide range of options available, it can be challenging to choose the most suitable tool for your specific needs. However, by considering factors such as ease of use, integration capabilities, and comprehensive reporting features, you can narrow down your options and find the best code review tool for your team. Some popular choices include GitHub, Bitbucket, Crucible, and CodeClimate. These tools provide an intuitive interface, seamless integration with popular version control systems, and robust reporting capabilities. By utilizing these best code review tools, developers can streamline their workflow, catch bugs early on, and enhance the overall quality of their code.

# Code Review Tool Popularity Features Rating
1 Crucible High Integration with Jira, Customizable Workflows 9.5/10
2 GitHub Very High Pull Requests, Code Discussions, Code Insights 9.3/10
3 Bitbucket High Pull Requests, Inline Comments, Integrations 9/10
4 GitLab High Merge Requests, Inline Feedback, CI/CD Pipelines 8.8/10
5 Phabricator Moderate Differential Revisions, Inline Comments, Audit Trails 8/10
6 Review Board Moderate Diffs, Comments, Review Groups 7.5/10
7 Upsource Moderate Code Insight, Code Duplication Detection, Discussions 7/10
8 Collaborator Low Review Workflows, Metrics, Integrations 6.5/10
9 Code Climate Low Automated Code Review, Test Coverage, Code Metrics 6/10
10 SonarQube Moderate Static Code Analysis, Code Smells, Technical Debt 5.5/10


  • Code review tool developed by Atlassian
  • Supports both pre-commit and post-commit reviews
  • Allows reviewers to leave comments and suggest changes directly on the code
  • Integrates with popular version control systems like Git, Mercurial, and Subversion
  • Provides detailed reports and metrics to track code quality and review progress

Crucible is a powerful code review tool that enables development teams to collaborate effectively and ensure the quality of their code. With its intuitive interface, reviewers can easily navigate through the codebase, leave comments, and suggest improvements. One notable feature of Crucible is its integration with other Atlassian products like Jira and Bitbucket, allowing for seamless workflow management.

Crucible offers a comprehensive set of features for code review, including the ability to create custom workflows, conduct asynchronous reviews, and perform static code analysis.


  • Web-based platform for version control and collaboration
  • Offers built-in code review functionality through pull requests
  • Allows developers to comment on specific lines of code and propose changes
  • Supports integration with various third-party tools and services
  • Provides a user-friendly interface and extensive documentation

GitHub is widely known as a leading platform for hosting Git repositories, but it also offers robust code review capabilities. With its pull request feature, developers can initiate code reviews by creating a branch, making changes, and submitting a pull request for others to review. Reviewers can provide feedback, discuss the changes, and ultimately approve or request further modifications before merging the code.

GitHub’s extensive marketplace allows users to enhance their code review process by integrating with popular tools like linters, automated testing frameworks, and continuous integration services.


  • Git and Mercurial-based code hosting platform
  • Offers built-in code review functionality through pull requests
  • Allows teams to collaborate on code changes and provide feedback
  • Integrates with Jira for seamless issue tracking and project management
  • Provides flexible deployment options, including cloud and self-hosted versions

Bitbucket, developed by Atlassian, is a versatile platform that combines version control, code collaboration, and code review capabilities. With its pull request feature, developers can initiate code reviews and gather feedback from their peers. Bitbucket’s integration with Jira allows for easy tracking of issues and seamless project management.

Bitbucket offers a range of features to support the code review process, including inline commenting, task management, and integration with popular development tools like Bamboo for continuous integration.


  • Open-source platform for version control and DevOps lifecycle management
  • Provides built-in code review functionality through merge requests
  • Supports both web-based and offline code reviews
  • Offers advanced features like inline commenting, code snippets, and approvals
  • Includes robust CI/CD capabilities for seamless integration with the development workflow

GitLab is a comprehensive DevOps platform that includes version control, continuous integration, and code review capabilities. With its merge request feature, developers can propose changes, request reviews, and iterate on their code until it meets the project’s standards. GitLab’s extensive CI/CD capabilities enable teams to automate testing and deployment processes.

GitLab’s open-source nature allows users to customize and extend its functionality according to their specific requirements. It also provides a cloud-hosted option for easy setup and management.


  • Open-source code review and collaboration platform
  • Supports pre-commit and post-commit reviews
  • Offers a range of tools for code browsing, commenting, and iteration
  • Includes additional features like task management, wiki, and chat
  • Provides integration with popular version control systems like Git, Mercurial, and Subversion

Phabricator is a powerful open-source platform that combines code review, project management, and collaboration tools. With its intuitive interface, developers can easily navigate through code changes, leave comments, and propose revisions. Phabricator’s additional features like task management and wiki make it a comprehensive solution for software development teams.

Phabricator’s extensible architecture allows users to add custom functionality through plugins and extensions. It also provides a RESTful API for seamless integration with other tools in the development ecosystem.

Review Board

  • Web-based code review tool with support for various version control systems
  • Allows reviewers to leave comments and suggest changes on the code
  • Provides integration with bug tracking systems like Bugzilla and Jira
  • Supports both pre-commit and post-commit reviews
  • Offers flexible deployment options, including self-hosted and cloud versions

Review Board is a user-friendly code review tool that simplifies the process of reviewing code changes. It provides an intuitive interface for reviewers to leave comments, suggest changes, and discuss the code with their peers. Review Board’s integration with bug tracking systems allows for seamless issue tracking and project management.

Review Board’s extensibility through plugins and its RESTful API make it a versatile tool that can be customized to fit the specific needs of development teams.


  • Code review and repository browsing tool developed by JetBrains
  • Supports Git, Mercurial, Subversion, and Perforce
  • Provides advanced code analysis features like code inspections and duplication detection
  • Allows reviewers to leave comments and discuss code changes
  • Offers integration with popular IDEs like IntelliJ IDEA and PyCharm

Upsource is a comprehensive code review tool that combines repository browsing, code analysis, and collaboration features. It provides an interactive interface for reviewers to navigate through code changes, leave comments, and engage in discussions. Upsource’s integration with JetBrains IDEs allows for a seamless workflow between development and code review.

Upsource’s advanced code analysis capabilities, including static code inspections and duplication detection, help ensure the quality of the reviewed code.


  • Enterprise-grade code review tool with support for various version control systems
  • Allows reviewers to leave comments, suggest changes, and approve code
  • Provides integration with popular issue tracking systems like Jira and Bugzilla
  • Offers advanced reporting and metrics for tracking review progress
  • Includes customizable workflows and notifications

Collaborator is a robust code review tool designed for enterprise teams. It offers a range of features to facilitate effective collaboration, including inline commenting, threaded discussions, and approval workflows. Collaborator’s integration with issue tracking systems allows for seamless issue resolution and project management.

Collaborator’s comprehensive reporting capabilities provide insights into the code review process, helping teams identify bottlenecks and improve their development practices.

Code Climate

  • Automated code review tool that analyzes code quality and identifies issues
  • Provides insights into code complexity, duplication, and test coverage
  • Offers integrations with popular version control systems and CI/CD tools
  • Supports a wide range of programming languages
  • Provides actionable recommendations to improve code quality

Code Climate is an automated code review tool that helps developers maintain high-quality codebases. It analyzes code for issues like complexity, duplication, and test coverage, providing actionable recommendations for improvement. Code Climate’s integrations with version control systems and CI/CD tools allow for seamless integration into the development workflow.

Code Climate’s continuous monitoring capabilities ensure that code quality is maintained throughout the development lifecycle, helping teams deliver reliable and maintainable software.


  • Open-source platform for continuous code quality inspection
  • Supports a wide range of programming languages and frameworks
  • Provides detailed reports on code smells, bugs, vulnerabilities, and more
  • Offers integration with popular build systems and IDEs
  • Includes advanced features like branch analysis and pull request decoration

SonarQube is a powerful platform for continuous code quality inspection. It analyzes code for various issues like code smells, bugs, vulnerabilities, and security vulnerabilities. SonarQube’s integration with build systems and IDEs allows for seamless integration into the development workflow, providing developers with real-time feedback on code quality.

SonarQube’s comprehensive reporting capabilities and its ability to track code quality over time make it an essential tool for maintaining high-quality codebases.

What are the benefits of using code review tools?

Code review tools offer numerous benefits for software development teams. Firstly, they help in identifying and fixing bugs, vulnerabilities, and coding errors before the code is deployed. This leads to improved code quality and reduces the chances of introducing issues into the production environment. Additionally, code review tools facilitate collaboration among team members by providing a platform for discussing and sharing feedback on code changes. This enhances knowledge sharing and helps in maintaining coding standards across the team. Moreover, these tools often come with features like version control integration, automated testing, and documentation support, which further streamline the development process and increase overall productivity.

Which factors should be considered when choosing a code review tool?

When selecting a code review tool, several factors should be taken into consideration. Firstly, compatibility with your existing development workflow and tools is crucial. The tool should integrate seamlessly with your version control system and other development tools to ensure a smooth workflow. Secondly, consider the ease of use and user interface of the tool. A user-friendly interface will encourage adoption among team members and make the code review process efficient. Additionally, look for features such as inline commenting, code highlighting, and notifications to facilitate effective collaboration. Lastly, consider factors like scalability, security, and pricing to ensure that the tool can meet your team’s current and future needs.

What are some popular code review tools available?

There are several popular code review tools available in the market today. Some widely used options include GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab, Phabricator, and Crucible. These tools offer a range of features such as pull request management, code diffing, inline commenting, and integration with popular version control systems like Git and Mercurial. Each tool has its own strengths and may cater to different team sizes or development workflows. It’s important to evaluate the specific requirements of your team and try out different tools to find the one that best fits your needs.

Code review tools for efficient collaboration

Code review is an essential part of the software development process. Here are three popular code review tools that can enhance collaboration among developers:

1. Crucible

Crucible is a powerful code review tool that offers features like inline commenting, customizable workflows, and integration with popular version control systems.

2. Gerrit

Gerrit is an open-source code review tool specifically designed for Git repositories. It provides a web-based interface for reviewing code changes, along with access controls and notifications.

3. Review Board

Review Board is a flexible code review tool that supports various version control systems. It allows reviewers to leave comments, track issues, and discuss code changes in a collaborative manner.

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